Books by Fuminori Nakamura and Complete Book Reviews

Fuminori Nakamura, trans. from the Japanese by Satoko Izumo and Stephen Coates. Soho Crime, $23 (224p) ISBN 978-1-61695-021-7
Nakamura makes his English-language debut with this compelling look at a Tokyo pickpocket’s life. The thief, eventually identified as Nishimura, leads an anonymous existence dependent on his ability to become as physically close as possible to...
Fuminori Nakamura, trans. from the Japanese by Satoko Izumo and Stephen Coates. Soho Crime, $14.95 trade paper (350p) ISBN 978-1-616952-12-9
At the outset of this bleak, melancholy stand-alone from Nakamura (The Thief), 11-year-old Fumihiro Kuki learns from his father, Shozo, that he’s next in the family dynasty to become “a personification of evil.” Fumihiro is to become not just a mere
Fuminori Nakamura, trans. from the Japanese by Allison Markin Powell. Soho (Norton, dist.), $25 (224p) ISBN 978-1-61695-455-0
In this creepy if elegantly crafted standalone from Nakamura (Evil and the Mask), the narrator, a nameless young writer, gets assigned to pen an In Cold Blood–style exploration of Yudai Kiharazaka, a 35-year-old Tokyo art photographer awaiting...
Fuminori Nakamura, trans. from the Japanese by Allison Markin Powell. Soho Crime, $25.95 (208p) ISBN 978-1-61695-590-8
Nakamura’s first novel, a deeply unsettling meditation on violence and obsession, starts slowly. Nishikawa, an emotionally troubled college student, stumbles across a dead body one night while out walking in Tokyo. Next to the corpse is a .357...
Fuminori Nakamura, trans. from the Japanese by Kalau Almony. Soho Crime, $25.95 (224p) ISBN 978-1-61695-592-2
Femme fatale Yurika, the emotionally detached narrator of Nakamura’s second noir set in Tokyo’s criminal underworld (after 2012’s The Thief), makes a living by seducing powerful men into compromising photographs. Used to a position of control,...
Fuminori Nakamura, trans. from the Japanese by Allison Markin Powell. Soho Crime, $23.95 (160p) ISBN 978-1-61695-594-6
The cynical and disengaged unnamed narrator of this enigmatic novel from Nakamura (The Gun) has quit his sales job at a company that produces educational materials and now works as a taxi driver in Tokyo. For no obvious reason, he picks a fight with
Fuminori Nakamura, trans. from the Japanese by Kalau Almony. Soho Crime, $26.95 (512p) ISBN 978-1-61695-786-5
A man’s search for his missing girlfriend drives this gripping novel from Nakamura (The Boy in the Earth). After Ryoko Tachibina disappears from Toru Narazaki’s life after hinting that she is going to kill herself, he gets a lead on her potential...
Fuminori Nakamura, trans. from the Japanese by Sam Bett. Soho Crime, $27.95 (264p) ISBN 978-1-64129-272-6
The unnamed, memory-challenged narrator of this unsettling psychological mystery from Nakamaura (Cult X) wakes up in a “cramped room in a rundown mountain lodge,” where he finds various forms of identification under the name Ryodai Kozuka and a...
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