Books by Olof Landstrom and Complete Book Reviews

Olof Landstrom, Author, Olof Landstrom, Illustrator, Lena Landstrom, Illustrator R & S Books $13 (28p) ISBN 978-91-29-62062-7
Sweetness and sincerity distinguish this outwardly unassuming debut collaboration by Swedish illustrators Olof ( Olson's Meat Pies ) and Lena Landstrom. In Fisher's spare but telling translation, the eponymous protagonist is thrilled with his new...
Olof Landstrom, Author, Lena Landstrom, Illustrator, Olof Landstrom, Illustrator R & S Books $9.95 (28p) ISBN 978-91-29-63918-6
Boo and Baa are an endearing pair of wide-eyed lambs with an unspecified relationship, although brother and sister is a good bet. In Party Mood, the lambs get ready for a birthday party at their friend Bob's house; in Windy Weather, Boo and Baa...
Olof Landstrom, Author, Lena Landstrom, Author, Lena Landstrom, Illustrator, Olof Landstrom, Illustrator, Lena Landstrom, Joint Author, Elisabeth Kallick Dyssegaard, Translator , trans. by Carla Wiberg; trans. by Elisabeth Kallick Dyssegaard. FSG/R&S $4.95 (, $4.95 each ISBN ) ISBN 978-91-29-65303-8
In these two understated, gently humorous adventures from a Swedish duo, the pictures tell as much of the story as the text. In the first, Will learns to swim; in the second, he leads an entourage to pick up a package from his Uncle Ben. Ages 3-6. (A
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