Books by Robert Steiner and Complete Book Reviews

Robert Steiner, Author Sun & Moon $15.95 (188p) ISBN 978-1-55713-017-4
Professor of literature at the University of Colorado, Steiner (Bathers, Passion, Quill) has created an elliptical and dreamlike story that is as haunting and disturbing as it is elusive. Divided in two parts, Dread begins with ""Not Keller,'' the...
Robert Steiner, Counterpoint (PGW, dist.), $12.95 trade paper (106p) ISBN 978-1582436425
Steiner's novella traces, in elegant, obsessive detail, the dissolution of the narrator's marriage of 20 years over the course of one evening after his wife confesses that she has been unfaithful. As they sit on a French terrace overlooking an...
Robert Steiner. Counterpoint (PGW, dist.), $25 (272p) ISBN 978-1-61902-231-7
Steiner (Matinee) challenges with three dark novellas. The first, “Into the Green Ocean Deep,” portrays, in intimate and obsessive detail, an unnamed woman dying of cancer and the lover caring for her. Told in long, sparsely punctuated sentences,...
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