Barnes & Noble announced plans to debut its first author residency program and book tour, which will celebrate fantasy writer Christopher Paolini, author of The Fork, The Witch, and the Worm, the latest title in his bestselling Inheritance Cycle series.

B&N will host Paolini during a 10-month author residency that will also include appearances at 11 Barnes & Noble stores beginning in March and ending in December. Paolini’s appearances will feature special presentations, book signings, exclusive trivia for fans, photo opportunities, and giveaways.

The book tour will kick off in Paolini’s hometown of Bozeman, Mont., on March 4, and also includes events at B&N stores in Boise, Idaho (on April 13), Edina, Minn., (on June 9); and Akron, Ohio (on August 9), among other dates around the country.

Paolini’s Inheritance Cycle YA fantasy series is comprised of four books, including Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr and Inheritance. The Fork, The Witch and The Worm , a collection of three stories set in the world of the Inheritance Cycle, was published in December.

This is B&N’s first author residency program, according to Stephanie Fryling, v-p of merchandising, children’s books at Barnes & Noble, and she said B&N “will consider doing more in the future.”

Fryling said the residency and book tour will offer “fans the chance to have an exclusive experience with Paolini and enter the world of Eragon in a way like never before.” Paolini was chosen to debut the residency program, she said, because “of his popularity with fans across the country. We expect great events and exciting atmosphere throughout this tour.”