This week, household appliances see some love; a trio of authors discusses what it takes to write stories centered around powerful girls; and a virtual celebration is held for the 20th anniversary of a beloved book.

Appliance Appreciation

For the launch of Steven Weinberg’s Big Jobs Books series (Roaring Brook) about household appliances, Macmillan initiated a campaign on Instagram: parenting influencers were encouraged to participate and to select one of the board books to receive. On publication day, August 31, parents posted a photo of their kid(s) with the book in front of their favorite appliance, using the #BigJobsBooks hashtag. The first 20 participants to send a link received copies of the other two books in the series.

Strong Girl Stories

On Friday, August 27, Read It Again Bookstore in Suwanee, Ga., hosted a virtual event, timed with the release of Debbi Michiko Florence’s newest middle grade novel, Just Be Cool, Jenna Sakai (Scholastic Press). Joining Florence were authors Christina Soontornvat (A Wish in the Dark, Candlewick) and Wai Chim (The Surprising Power of a Good Dumpling, Scholastic Press). The authors discussed their experiences with “Writing & Telling Stories of Strong Girls,” during a conversation about the importance of writing authentic narratives for readers of all ages, and their different styles of addressing the topic.

You’re Invited Todd-a Parr-ty

In celebration of the 20th anniversary of Todd Parr’s (clockwise from top l.) It’s Okay to Be Different (Little, Brown), Blue Willow Bookshop in Houston hosted a virtual hangout on September 1. Ani Castillo (Ping, Little, Brown) joined live, along with Peter Reynolds (The Dot, Candlewick). Todd reflected on the past two decades, and video messages were contributed by Oge Mora (Thank You, Omu, Little, Brown) and Alexandra Penfold (All Are Welcome, Knopf). Guests shared anecdotes about a time in their younger years when they felt different/wanted to be different, and why the message of the book is important. Store owner Valerie Koehler moderated and passed along audience questions.