Jonathan Matson, president of the Harold Matson Company literary agency in New York, died on January 31 of heart failure. He was 67.

The son of Matson Co. founder Harold Matson, Jonathan Matson began his publishing career at Simon & Schuster, and worked at Harvard University Press as manager of subsidiary rights from 1972-1987 before taking over the family business in 1988. Matson's clients included the authors Deborah Cramer, Michael Downing, Raymond Feist, George Michelsen Foy, Susanna Kaysen, William Patrick, Jonathan Shay, and Janny Wurts.

Matson is survived by his wife, Laura Bishop Matson; a son, Jonathan Philip Matson, Jr.; a daughter, Ann Elizabeth Bishop Matson Bailis, and her husband, David, as well as their daughter, Skye Matson Bailis; and two brothers and sisters.

A funeral service will be held at Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church, which Matson helped found in 2009, in Danvers, Mass., on February 11.