Every quilt is a unique work of art, and a new series from Abingdon Fiction hopes to tap into the stories of each one. The new Quilts of Love series launches at BEA (booth 3832), and Abingdon will release one book per month through March 2014. Readers can get a look by picking up an advance copy of A Wild Goose Chase Christmas by Jennifer AlLee (Nov.), the second book in the series. The booth, decorated with quilts, also will display ARCs of the series’ first book, Beyond the Storm by Carolyn Zane (Oct.), and the third title, Path of Freedom by Jennifer Hudson Taylor (Jan. 2013).

Each book focuses on the stories of the women who made the quilts: the novels cover a variety of topics, genres, and characters, says Pamela Clements, associate publisher for Christian Living and Abingdon Fiction. Clements adds that while Abingdon’s Christian Living division is just over a year old, it’s already offering “two really fresh relevant voices.” Undead: Revived, Resuscitated, and Reborn by Clay Morgan (Sept.) looks at individuals in the Bible who died and came back to life. “It speaks to the spiritual life of these individuals, and it’s fresh, clever, and wonderfully written,” Clements says. The Christian World of the Hobbit by Devin Brown (Oct.) has received a positive response, especially from buyers looking ahead to the release of Peter Jackson’s film The Hobbit.

The Christian Living and Abingdon Fiction imprints “are bigger than we have been in the past, and we are growing,” Clements says. “We choose authors and topics that speak to the general market about Christian things.”

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