Yen Press, the Hachette Book Group’s manga and graphic novel imprint, has reached an agreement with social gaming publisher Gaia Interactive to create a series of graphic novels based on GI’s popular Monster Galaxy videogame franchise. Monster Galaxy has more than 25 million players around the world and a live action movie adaptation is in development.

The partnership will develop a series of graphic novels that will feature a new stories and new monsters as well as the game’s popular characters. Yen Press publishing director Kurt Hassler called the online game, “addictive,” and said, “I can hardly pry our editorial staff away from it since we began discussions of an adaptation! We look forward working with Gaia to introduce both existing fans and new readers to new stories in an entirely new medium, set within this marvelously engaging world.”

Monster Galaxy is available to be played on Facebook and can also be downloaded from iTunes. More details about the new Monster Galaxy graphic novel series will be released at this year’s San Diego Comic-con International in July.

Christopher Castagnetto, senior marketing product manager at Gaia Interactive, said, “expanding the world of Monster Galaxy through graphic novels gives readers the unique opportunity to experience new and exciting adventures including new characters, worlds and monsters while still incorporating classic iconic moments from the games.”