These days, a deep dig into the cooking apps in the iPad app store will unearth dozens of options centered around the Paleo diet. Currently leading the pack in popularity is Caveman Feast ($2.99 for iOS devices), created by food blogger George Bryant, and Abel James, who is host of a podcast called The Fat-Burning Man Show. It is easy to see how their brand of dieting would appeal to the male Homo sapien. In short, this caveman plan replaces sugar, grains and dairy with bacon, bacon, and more bacon. Among the more than 200 recipes are bacon wrapped franks; sweet caveman pie with bacon, bison, cranberries and honey; chicken breast stuffed with BOARS (that’s bacon, onion, apples, rosemary, and spinach), and zucchini breakfast casserole topped with you-know-what. There is also a healthy sampling of porcine-free fish dishes, grain-free cakes and cookies, and granola-like caveman crunch bars, all displayed in colorful close-ups. The app allows you to mark your favorite recipes, as well as send them via email, but beyond that the functionality is, well, primitive. The one piece of bonus content offers you a Paleo lifestyle video and eBook in exchange for your email address, and another menu option links you out to James’ podcast. But there is no search box nor recipe index. Thus, like our early ancestors, we are left to hunt and gather whatever we might come across.