G.P. Putnam’s Sons acquired two new novels in Paretsky’s bestselling V.I Warshawski series. Ivan Held, president of G.P. Putnam's Sons, and G.P. Putnam’s Sons executive editor Christine Pepe negotiated the deal with Paretsky’s longtime agent, Dominick Abel, for North American, audio and e-book rights. Hardcover publication is tentatively planned for 2013 and 2015 with paperback publication by Signet to follow.

Paretsky's books have been published in 30 countries, and Putnam will release the next Warshawski novel, Breakdown, January 3. Earlier this year, Paretsky was awarded the coveted Grand Master Award by the Mystery Writers of America, the Lifetime Achievement award at Bouchercon, and the Governor's Arts Awards “Distinguished Arts Award” from the Kansas Arts Commission.