China Education Publishing & Media Group (China Education) was formed in December 2010 as a strategic merger to reshape educational publishing. The company consisting of five subsidiaries: Higher Education Press (HEP), PEP (Peoples's Education Press), LCP (Language & Culture Press), CEPIEC (China Educational Publication Import & Export Corporation) and China Educational Instrument & Equipment Corp.

According to Li Pengyi, General manager of the new group, China Education is focused on the rapid development and international dimension in Chinese educational publishing, and is determined to improve the group’s stock listing and develop digital strategies.

China Education is the market leader in China’s publishing industry. The company has an annual output of 40,000 publications including books, audio, and digital reaching 2,000 primary and secondary schools. China Education includes the China Teaching Equipment Corporation, a state-owned company specializing in research equipment, and the Educational Publications Import & Export Corporation, which imports and exports newspapers, books, journals, audio and video products.

Analysis & Key Developments


Current financial figures since 2012 were audited in anticipation of a planned IPO, however the IPO has not taken place to date.

A detailed organigram and company structure of China Education in English is available on the company website.



China Education’s international cooperation partners include Pearson, Cengage Learning, McGrawHill Education, Wiley, WoltersCluwer, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Langenscheidt, Pearson, Wolters Kluwer, and Springer.

Higher Education Press announced a cooperation agreement with the Dutch journal publisher Brill.

In Asia, China Education began a partnership with Nhan Tri Viet of Vietnam and extended an agreement with the Thai Ministry of Education.

HEP sold 179 titles to publishers in Europe and the Americas in 2010, making it the leader in China in copyright exports.

Note: For the Global Ranking 2014, financial figures for the years 2012 and 2010 have been re-stated, as more accurate and more authoritative information became available.

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