Lynn Austin Moves to Tyndale

Tyndale senior acquisitions editor Stephanie Broene and fiction publisher Karen Watson bought world rights to four books by bestselling author Lynn Austin (Legacy of Mercy). The first two books are works of historical fiction set during World War II, including If I Were You. It follows a British war bride whose American husband is killed, setting her on a journey of self-discovery, according to the publisher, and it’s slated for publication in June. Information about the third and fourth books in the deal is not yet available. Also announced with the four-book deal, Tyndale is rereleasing Austin’s debut novel, Fly Away, which has been updated with a new cover and is currently available as an e-book. It is not currently scheduled for print publication. Literary agent Natasha Kern represents Austin.

Zondervan Re-Ups with Jennifer Fulwiler

Lisa Jackson at Alive Literary Agency sold world rights to Stephanie Smith, associate publisher at Zondervan, to Your Blue Flame: Drop the Guilt and Do What Makes You Come Alive by Jennifer Fulwiler. The book, which features a foreword by author Jeannie Gaffigan, focuses on helping readers find their true passion, and it’s scheduled for publication on April 28.

Brazos Doubles Up

Robert Hosack, Brazos Press executive editor, took world rights to two new books by Yale professor and theologian Miroslav Volf (Faith in Public Action, For the Life of the World). The first book in the deal, tentatively titled God’s Home: A Brief Story of Everything, is co-authored with Ryan McAnnally-Linz and addresses the uprooting and migration of millions of people around the world as well as the resulting nationalism in places where migrants and refugees arrive. It’s slated for publication in 2022. The second book in the deal, tentatively titled Suffering and Joy, looks at how the two emotions are compatible. The work is slated to release in 2025. Volf is represented by the Martell Agency.

Pavlovitz Lands at WJK

Senior acquisitions editor Jessica Miller Kelley at Westminster John Knox Press took world rights from Sharon Pelletier of Dystel, Goderich, & Bourret to a new book from John Pavlovitz (A Bigger Table, Hope and Other Superpowers). In the yet-to-be-titled book, Pavlovitz diagnoses the “theology of smallness” that he says distorts the worldview of many religious communities, making a case for why this limited view of God hinders our ability to love and work for the good of all people, and laying out ways to change it, according to the publisher. The book is slated for publication in fall 2021.