Shambhala Reups with Pema Chödrön

Sarah Stanton at Shambhala took world rights directly from author and Buddhist nun Pema Chödrön (When Things Fall Apart, Welcoming the Unwelcome) to How We Live Is How We Die. The resident teacher at Gampo Abbey in Nova Scotia, Chödrön, now 85, draws on her work with the flow of as the focus of book—including her thoughts on living with more ease, joy, and compassion through uncertainty; embracing new beginnings; and ultimately preparing for death with more wonder and less fear, according to the publisher. The book is scheduled for publication in October 2022.

Brazos Nabs Yahoo Chief National Correspondent’s ‘Testimony’

Katelyn Beaty, senior acquisitions editor at Brazos, acquired exclusive world rights from Bridget Matzie with Aevitas Creative Management to Testimony by Jon Ward, chief national correspondent at Yahoo! News, host of The Long Game podcast, and author of Camelot’s End: Kennedy vs. Carter and the Fight that Broke the Democratic Party. In his new book, Ward describes his evangelical upbringing as well as his departure from an influential church, shedding light on “a troubling political and cultural trajectory” for the denomination, according to the publisher. The book is slated for publication in spring 2023.

‘Consider It Blacklit’ Podcaster Lands at Broadleaf

Broadleaf’s senior editor Adrienne Ingrum took world rights to I Love My People, a photo-illustrated, spokenword gift book that celebrates African American culture and Black resistance. The deal was brokered directly with the author—filmmaker, writer, and poet Kim Singleton, who hosts “Consider It Blacklit,” a TV series and podcast that highlights movies, TV shows, and plays that feature African Americans. The book invites a call-and-response “in the vein of Gill Scott-Heron’s poetry of the 1970s,” according to the publisher, and it is slated for publication in fall 2023.

W Takes on ‘Terror and Tenderness’

Andrea Heinecke of The Bindery sold world rights to Stephanie Newton at W Publishing for Terror and Tenderness by Kobe Campbell, a trauma therapist, owner of The Healing Circle Therapy and Wellness Center in Charlotte, N.C., and host of The Healing Circle podcast with husband Kyle. Terror and Tenderness examines what trauma is, how it affects victims’ lives, and “antidotes to pain in the arms of the Father,” according to the Bindery. It is slated for publication in April 2023.

WaterBrook Stops Waiting

Alex Field of The Bindery sold world rights to Andrew Stoddard at WaterBrook for Stop Waiting for Permission by Stephen Chandler, pastor of Union Church in Columbia, Md. Chandler’s debut, slated for release in September 2022, aims to help readers “close the gap between where they are and all God created them to be” and find their purpose, WaterBrook said. Also included in the deal is a participant guide to Stop Waiting for Permission. A second trade title with a participant guide is also included in the deal, though further details are not yet available.

Jennifer Grant Brings Another to Beaming

Naomi Krueger at Beaming Books took world rights from Steve Laube at The Steve Laube Agency to a new picture book by Jennifer Grant (Maybe God is Like That Too), tentatively titled Explaining God. The book features a child who is not intimidated by the reality that God is hard to explain. After all, lots of things are hard to explain—like how fizzy drinks tickle her nose, how the sun warms her skin, or how people all over the world speak many different languages. What matters most is that God made her and loves her. Illustrator is Hsulynn Pang, and she was represented by Erin Tisdel at Advocate Art. The book is slated for publication in fall 2023.

An Elder Brings Two to Broadleaf

Valerie Weaver-Zercher at Broadleaf bought world rights to two new books by Choctaw elder and Episcopal bishop Steven Charleston (Ladder to the Light: An Indigenous Elder’s Meditations on Hope and Courage). The first title will be a gift book featuring a collection of meditations, while the trade title will be based on lessons learned from Native American culture on living through what he calls an apocalypse—such as when his ancestors were forced to walk the Trail of Tears. With the working title The Spirit Wheel, the first book is scheduled for a fall 2023 release, while the second, yet-to-be titled book is slated for 2024.