On November 17, the same day as Occupy Wall Street’s Day of Action, Barrett-Kohler released a guide to the movement called This Changes Everything: Occupy Wall Street and the 99% Movement, put together by the editors of Yes! Magazine. Here, Yes! web editor Brooke Jarvis gives us a list of follow-up titles for those who want a better understanding of the stakes.

Deep Economy by Bill McKibben

It can be very difficult to imagine an economy not built on growth and exploitation. McKibben’s book goes back to the drawing board, asking what an economy is for, anyway—and beginning to imagine what an economy actually designed to promote health and happiness, rather than corporate profits, would look like.

The Value of Nothing by Raj Patel

From ignoring the health costs of coal mining to disproportionately compensating hedge fund managers, we know that there’s much the market doesn’t accurately “price.” Patel delves into the question: what are smarter, more democratic ways to decide what’s valuable and how best to share it?

The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism by Naomi Klein

Why is it that, since the “recovery” began, corporate profits have rebounded—but the wages of the 99% haven’t? Naomi Klein’s book helps explain how elites use disasters and upheavals to consolidate their economic power.

Corporations Are Not People by Jeff Clements

The increasing involvement of corporate money in politics (some call it, more simply, legalized corruption) is a frequently cited concern of occupiers. Clements explains the thirty years of maneuvering that got us to where we are, as well as some of the most promising possibilities for fixing our democracy.

The Moral Underground by Lisa Dodson

Before Occupy Wall Street offered people a chance to take their economic grievances public, Americans were finding small but courageous ways to take action against an unfair economy. In this moving book, Lisa Dodson interviews workers who took a moral stance, refusing to be complicit in the suffering of others.