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Overdone On Diana? Judy Quinn -- 12/8/97 That was the concern of some major book buyers about the Diana-with-children cover for Our Mothers' Spirits: On the Death of Mothers and the Grief of Men, a ReganBooks compilation of essays by John Updike, Russell Baker and others. The book was signed, for a reportedly minuscule advance, way before Diana's death, and was originally scheduled for February publication but then rushed for a mid-November release.PW that B&N had "reservations" about the cover during the pitch for the book, and during November was in a "review process" about purchasing it (it was, however, already featured on B&N's website). A Borders buyer was similarly reluctant to order the book, reported Entertainment Weekly, although spokesperson Jody Kohn told PW that the book was actually in a "review process" and had not been rejected outright by the company.
When asked to respond to the controversy, ReganBooks marketing director John Ekizian said there is no major boycott: the book is being carried in Walden and B. Dalton mall stores, and is featured, with the cover, on Amazon.com. Denying the rumors that the cover change and rush to release the book sparked some dissent at the house, Ekizian said, "We did it to bring attention to what was a very positive aspect of the whole Diana tragedy, the sharing of grief." Bob Blauner, the University of California professor and author who edited the anthology, wrote a new introduction to the book that addresses the Diana connection.
Ekizian, who will be leaving high-turnover Regan Books within the month to pursue freelance opportunities, noted, however, that the book cover originally featured a Madonna and that that artwork may reappear when the book g s to backlist.
But the publisher didn't budge on changing the cover now -- a strategy that seems to have paid off. At press time B&N and Borders had both decided to purchase the book, although Wolfertz and Kohn both noted that the volume is being treated like the essay collection it really is, rather than as part of the bestselling Diana uvre.
As for those earlier concerns about the cover, Kohn said, "We'll let customers decide."
They may already have done so: Ingram buyer Susie Russenberger, when asked about the book, told PW, "It's not like it's flying off the shelves." Back To News ---> |
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