In response to the attack on the World Trade Center, Sterling Publishing, which has been publishing the Windows on the World Complete Wine Course since 1985, has created a relief fund to aid families of members of the food and beverage industry who were killed in the attack. Sterling will donate a portion of the proceeds from the 2002 edition of Wine Course to the newly established Windows of Hope Family Relief Fund. The publisher is preparing stickers that announce the donation program, to be placed on the front cover of all reprints.

Sterling shipped 60,000 copies of Wine Course before the attack and has gone back to press for 25,000 additional copies, which will carry the sticker. The book is written by Kevin Zraly, founder and teacher of the Windows on the World Wine Course, which will continue under the same name at the Marriott Marquis. A Sterling spokesperson said the company is planning to release a new Wine Course edition next fall. The book has sold more than one million copies since it was first published.