As you dream of a tropical vacation, perhaps you're wondering: What was the bestselling travel title in 2004? The winner is Workman's

1,000 Places to See Before You Die by Patricia Schultz, published in September 2003. The publisher reports 26 trips to press, for a total of 1,135,000 copies. And the book is enjoying strong sales in all outlets—it's on almost all the Book Sense regional lists (and is #8 on the Book Sense national list for the week ending December 26). It has been among the top 10 on all the chain lists throughout most of the holiday season and has posted strong sales in the discount stores.

Another Workman bestseller, a runner-up to the trade paperback list, is

Bad Cat: 244 Not-So-Pretty Kitties and Cats Gone Bad by Jim Edgar. Total in print before Christmas was 166,000 copies; back-to-press action this month will bring that figure to at least 200,000. The publisher reports lots of bookstores across the country are holding "Baddest Cat" contests.