FINDHORN PRESS (dist. by Lantern Books)

Language of the Soul: Healing with Words of Truth (July, $16.95) by John Payne explains how surrendering to love restores our ability to speak life-transforming truths.


The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia: Helping Your Loved One Get the Most Out of Life (Aug., $17.95) by Kim T. Mueser and Susan Gingerich aids families in determining what recovery might mean for their loved ones.


How to Fail as a Therapist (May, $27.95) by Bernard Schwartz and John Flowers examines the 50 most common errors made by therapists.


The Practice of Ally Work: Meeting and Partnering with Your Spirit Guide in the Imaginal World (May, $14.95) by Jeffrey Raff offers techniques for achieving intimate contact with the divine.


Cyber Rules: Negotiating Healthy Internet Use (Aug., $23.95) by Joanie Farley-Gillispie and Jayne Gackenbach describes sound navigational methods for children and clients. A Norton Professional Book for Psychotherapists.