Cooper to Lead CDS Books
Roger Cooper has been named publisher of Perseus's CDS Books imprint. Cooper will work to add commercial fiction and nonfiction authors to the imprint, which employs a different business model than most publishers, including other Perseus imprints. CDS Books offers authors no advances in exchange for higher royalties on their books and a firm commitment on marketing and publicity for their titles. Cooper's career includes top jobs with Berkley, St. Martin's, Bookspan and ibooks.
Audio Sales Up 4%
Gross sales of audiobooks increased by 4% in 2004, to approximately $832 million, according to survey findings of the Audio Publishers Association. The figure, which includes data from 21 APA members, also factors in non-APA members and members not reporting to this survey. The $832 million reflects estimated sales at retail.
National Geographic Adds ESL
The National Geographic Society has acquired ESL publisher Hampton-Brown Company. NGS is combining H-B with its existing supplementary education unit to form a new educational division. Sherry Long, founder of Hampton-Brown, will be chairman of National Geographic School Publishing. Sam Gesumaria, president of H-B, will direct the day-to-day operations of the new educational division as president.
HC Launches Web Tool
HarperCollins has launched a new Web site dedicated to simplifying the purchase of its books for booksellers. offers booksellers the ability to both search for titles (cross-referenced by subject, category or format) and purchase them online.
Book Ad Spending Up
Book publishers spent $231.9 million on advertising last year, a 15% increase over 2004, according to figures compiled by TNS Media Intelligence.
Mixed Marvel Results
Revenue in Marvel's publishing segment rose 7.4% in 2005, to $92.4 million, but operating income dipped to $36.3 million from $37.3 million.
Penguin's Playing Basketball
To celebrate the 60th anniversary of its Penguin Classics series, Penguin has teamed up with the NBA to produce a media-heavy campaign that publicizes their books and promotes literacy. In concert with the league's philanthropic NBA Cares division, Penguin will coordinate a media blitz featuring high-profile players reading a selection of their titles. The year-long campaign will include ads in movie theaters, on the radio and in the NBA's magazines Hoop and Inside Stuff.
RH Canada To Distribute MacAdam/Cage
MacAdam/Cage Publishing has signed on with Random House Canada to act as the distributor for its list in Canada. RH Canada will take over sales, distribution and marketing of the MacAdams/Cage frontlist beginning in April. It is Random Canada's first third-party arrangement with a U.S. publisher. In addition, Doubleday Canada will publish paperback editions of the MacAdam/Cage hardcovers through its Anchor Canada list.
Great Writing In Harlem
QBR: The Black Book Review and a group of publishers and retailers specializing in African-American—oriented titles sponsored "A Celebration of Black Writing" at the Nubian Heritage Bookstore in Harlem. The event honored a group of book professionals instrumental in fostering the publishing of black writers and served as a media kickoff for the Harlem Book Fair (July 21-23). Among a long list of publishing professionals honored were Malaika Adero, Judith Curr, Kassahun Checole, Wade and Cheryl Hudson, Janet Hill, Cheryl Woodruff, Karen Thomas, Faith Childs, Marie Brown, Jane Friedman, Karen Thomas, Dawn Davis, Clara Villarosa and Rockelle Henderson.
A Graphic Encounter
Writers continue to migrate to graphic novels and a number of prose novelists turned graphic novelists were on hand at the recent New York Comic-con. Pictured at the NYCC are literary blogger Jessa Crispin from chatting with novelist and essayist Jonathan Ames, whose first graphic novel, The Alcoholic (with art by Dean Haspiel), will be released by Vertigo in 2007.