This fall brings a new trend in Holocaust-related books: works by children of survivors about their parents' and relatives' experiences. Two make nods to Art Spiegelman's seminal graphic memoir, Maus; another has been compared to The Diary of Anne Frank; while another blends detective tale and family memoir.

I Was a Child of Holocaust Survivors by Bernice Eisenstein (Riverhead, Aug.) Sala's Gift: My Mother's Holocaust Story by Ann Kirschner (Free Press, Nov.) Mendel's Daughter: A Memoir by Martin Lemelman (Free Press, Oct.) The Lost: A Search for Six of Six Million by Daniel Mendelsohn (HarperCollins, Sept.)
Format: Illustrated memoir Narrative with photos and letter facsimiles Illustrated narrative Narrative with photos
Author's relatives: Her parents, Regina and Ben, Poles who met at Auschwitz Her mother, Sala, who spent five years in seven Nazi work camps His mother, Gupta, who grew up in Poland and escaped after hiding Six of his relatives who disappeared during the Holocaust
Book draws on: The memories of Eisenstein's parents and the stories of other family members lost in the war Sala's letters, photographs and keepsakes A transcription of Gupta's testimony; Lemelman's b&w drawings; and reproductions of photos, documents and other relics A cache of letters written to the author's grandfather in 1939 and documentary photographs by the author's brother
Quote: "There was no limit to how much you can socially trade on this stuff: Hey man, I'm different than you are. My parents were in Auschwitz. What do you have that can top that one?" "In rare moments of retrospection, my mother would tell us about her arrival in the United States.... But even as a child, I was unconvinced. My mother was substituting a happy ending for an untold story." "'My precious Martin,' [my mother] said, 'you now have 52 years. This is the same age from my father when he was murdered. Listen to me, Mattaleh! Sometimes your memories are not your own.' " "Even later, after I was old enough to have learned about the war... it was hard to imagine just how they had been killed.... When? Where? How? With guns? In the gas chambers?"