I'm not much of a mystery reader, but I'm mad for smart Shakespeare books, especially if they explore the modern play-going scene. I picked up Jennifer Lee Carrell's Interred with Their Bones (Dutton, Sept. 20) expecting to drop it in disgust at barmy scholarship, but I didn't. Quite the opposite: I was impressed and enthralled. Its quick, intriguing plot (a stage director lights out on a breathless hunt for Shakespeare's most famous lost play and is pursued by cruel and clever adversaries who stage Bard-inspired murders) makes perfect weekend or travel reading. Its rich details of libraries, history and Shakespeareana are well researched and fascinating. It reminded me, very favorably, of Sarah Smith's novel Chasing Shakespeares. Carrell shows a firm, loving familiarity with the blood-racing joys of Shakespeare, and knows how to put it to work in a thriller. Set this book in the hands of readers and theater buffs who want smart excitement that's not at all intimidating. They'll join me in hoping that Carrell will give us what Will never will: sequels.