Beyond the Szymborska and Meister translations being published in 2015, here are several other notable titles worth checking out:


Ales Debeljak, trans. from the Slovenian by Brian Henry (BOA Editions), June

Multitudinous Heart: Selected Poems

Carlos Drummond de Andrade, trans. from the Portuguese by Richard Zenith (FSG), July

Apollo in the Grass: Selected Poems

Aleksandr Kushner, trans. from the Russian by Carol Ueland and Robert Carnevale (FSG), Aug.

A Roll of the Dice Will Never Abolish Chance

Stéphane Mallarmé, trans. from the French by Jeff Clark and Robert Bononno (Wave), Apr.

Traces of Time

Lucio Mariani, trans. from the Italian by Anthony Molino (Open Letter), July

Nine Coins

Carlos Pintado, trans. from the Spanish by Hilary Vaughn Dobel (Akashic), Dec.

Extracting the Stone of Madness: Poems 1962–1972

Alejandra Pizarnik, trans. from the Spanish by Yvette Seigert (New Directions), June

Truth of My Songs: Poems of the Trobairitz

Trans. from the Provençal by Claudia Keelan (Omnidawn), Apr.

Become a Message

Lajos Walder, trans. from the Hungarian by Agnes Walder (Upper West Side Philosophers), Sept.

Late Poems

Wang An-Shih, trans. from the Chinese by David Hinton (New Directions), Mar.

The Country of Planks

Raúl Zurita, trans. from the Spanish by Daniel Borzutzky (Action), May

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