Books by Carmine Abate and Complete Book Reviews

Carmine Abate, Author, Antony Shugaar, Translator , trans. from the Italian by Antony Shugaar. Europa $14.95 (209p) ISBN 978-1-933372-40-2
Steeped in the muggy summers and rich culture of Calabria, Abate’s American debut is the intoxicating story of a man’s lifelong obsession to raise from long-abandoned ruins a legendary family inn once visited by Alexandre Dumas. Giorgio...
Carmine Abate, trans. from the Italian by Antony Shugaar, Europa (Penguin, dist.), $15 paper (192p) ISBN 978-1-933372-83-9
Abate's atmospheric tale (after Between Two Seas) concerns a Calabrian farming family whose father's migration to France in search of work causes a perilous vacuum at home. Eldest daughter Elisa, the product of a first marriage to a French woman,...
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