Volume 265
Issue 20
- BookExpo
- BookExpo 2018: Reed Primes a “Reimagined” BookExpo
- PW’s Bookstore of the Year: Boulder Book Store
- John Mesjak: PW’s Rep of the Year
- BookExpo 2018: A Window on Wednesday
- BookExpo 2018: A Weighty Wednesday
- BookCon 2018: From Wimpy Kid to Bill Clinton
- BookExpo 2018: Adult Galleys to Grab
- BookExpo 2018: Children’s Galleys to Grab
- BookExpo 2018: Like a Candy Store For Librarians
- BookExpo 2018: Around the Booths
- BookExpo 2018: Going All Out for APAC
- Author Profile
Author Interviews
- Fiction
- Nonfiction
- Audio
- Open Book
- Soapbox
In My Own Words
- Black Classic Press Marks 40 Years
- Book Deals: Week of May 14, 2018
- Indie Bookstores Find New Love for Romance Books
- PW Online and On-Air: Week of May 14, 2018
- Peter Mayer Dead at 82
- Print Units Fell 3% in the First Week of May
- This Week's Bestsellers: May 14, 2018
Sponsored Content
- BookCon and BookExpo Preview Spotlight on Hot New Books 2018
- No One Is Illegal: Spotlight on Eoin Colfer
- Spotlight on Susanna Kearsley
- Anne Leigh Parrish: The Redemption of the Road
- Spotlight on Jennifer L. Rohn
- Spotlight on Lisa Romeo
- Spotlight on Ketch Secor and Higgins Bond
- Spotlight on Stuart Turton