1. The Let Them Theory: A Life-Changing Tool That Millions of People Can't Stop Talking about Mel Robbins, Author
2. Deep End Ali Hazelwood, Author
3. Onyx Storm (Deluxe Limited Edition) Rebecca Yarros, Author
4. The Crash Freida McFadden, Author
5. Fourth Wing Rebecca Yarros, Author
1. Onyx Storm (Deluxe Limited Edition) Rebecca Yarros, Author
2. Onyx Storm (Standard Edition) Rebecca Yarros, Author
3. Bonded in Death J D Robb, Author
4. James Percival Everett, Author
5. Dragonlance Chronicles Margaret Weis, Author, Tracy Hickman, Author
1. The Let Them Theory: A Life-Changing Tool That Millions of People Can't Stop Talking about Mel Robbins, Author
2. Source Code: My Beginnings Bill Gates, Author
3. The 5 Types of Wealth: A Transformative Guide to Design Your Dream Life Sahil Bloom, Author
4. On the Hippie Trail: Istanbul to Kathmandu and the Making of a Travel Writer Rick Steves, Author
5. The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness Jonathan Haidt, Author
1. Deep End Ali Hazelwood, Author
2. The Crash Freida McFadden, Author
3. Fourth Wing Rebecca Yarros, Author
4. Dream Girl Drama Tessa Bailey, Author
5. Lights Out: An Into Darkness Novel Navessa Allen, Author
1. Dog Man: Big Jim Begins: A Graphic Novel (Dog Man #13): From the Creator of Captain Underpants Dav Pilkey, Author, Dav Pilkey, Illustrator
2. Powerful (Special Edition): A Powerless Story Lauren Roberts, Author
3. Wings of Starlight Allison Saft, Author
4. Dog Man: The Scarlet Shedder: A Graphic Novel (Dog Man #12): From the Creator of Captain Underpants Dav Pilkey, Author, Dav Pilkey, Illustrator
5. Hot Mess (Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 19) Jeff Kinney, Author
1. Little Blue Truck's Valentine Alice Schertle, Author, Jill McElmurry, Illustrator
2. Llama Llama I Love You Anna Dewdney, Author
3. You're My Little Cuddle Bug Nicola Edwards, Author, Nathalie Marshal, Illustrator
4. Love from Bluey Suzy Brumm, Author
5. I Love You Like No Otter Rose Rossner, Author, Sydney Hanson, Illustrator
As of January 2024 Publishers Weekly only publishes the Circana BookScan bestseller lists displayed above. Here are the other Circana BookScan bestseller lists Publishers Weekly published before January 2024.
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