Volume 261
Issue 40
- Science Fiction & Fantasy
- First Fiction
- Religion Update
- Religion Update Fall 2014: A Scholarly Boom on Islam
- Religion Update Fall 2014: Biblical Scholarship - Old Characters, Fresh Readings
- Religion Update Fall 2014: In Profile
- Religion Update Fall 2014: Mormon Studies Sees Steady Growth
- Religion Update Fall 2014: Religious History Broadens its Scope
- Religion Update Fall 2014: The Business of Scholarly Publishing
- Science Fiction & Fantasy
- Frankfurt
- First Fiction
- First Fiction Fall 2014: Alix Christie: Debut Novelist Tackles the Debut Of Printing
- First Fiction Fall 2014: Casey Walker: From 125,000 Words to 85,000, to 65,000
- First Fiction Fall 2014: Eimear McBride: A True Original
- First Fiction Fall 2014: Mette Ivie Harrison: Outlining Takes the Fun Out of Writing
- First Fiction Fall 2014: Nell Zink: Discovered by Franzen
- First Fiction Fall 2014: Scholastique Mukasonga: Falling in Love on The Way Home from Frankfurt
- Frankfurt
Author Interviews
- PW Online and On Air: Week of October 6, 2014
- Book Deals: Week of October 6, 2014
- Curtis Brown Ltd. Celebrates 100 Years
- Dover Plans Line of Graphic Novel Reprints
- Industry Stocks: September Performances
- News Briefs: Week of October 6, 2014
- The Cost of Restructuring
- The Weekly Scorecard: Tracking Unit Print Sales for Week Ending September 28, 2014
- This Week's Bestsellers: October 6, 2014